Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Random Tuesday

Just dropping off the odd bits of randomness kicking around in my head...

What is the deal with 40-something degree weather in Florida? In March?


I'm super excited because I just found out that I'll be traveling to Thailand at the end of April! Not looking forward to the 17 hour flight, but it's going to be SO worth it! I'll be spending time in Bangkok, Chiang Rai, and on the island of Koh Samui.

Add that to an already full schedule and a week in Hawaii in May and that now means my next available portrait session is in June! Priority will be given to engagement sessions of couples getting married soon, so contact me now to schedule your shoot!


Previously on...HUH? What do you mean there's no LOST this week? %!$#@ writer's strike!


Had a blast yesterday at the Rockstar Roadtrip Workshop run by Corey McNabb and Amber Holritz. Corey's a fantastic wedding photographer and Amber is an amazing lifestyle baby photographer. Both gave us awesome tips and lots to think about! That's one of the cool things about photographey - there's always new things you and learn and people in this industry are so generous with sharing that knowledge!

Borrowed these pics off my dear friend Suzie Seagraves' blog.



1 comment:

Dawnieb84@aol.com said...

Hey Lori!!! Its dawn from the rockstar class I sat in front of you. Ok first of all I too am so upset there is NO LOST !!!! So lets keep in touch, I love talking Lost, no one I know watches it. I think I have it figured out. Email me one day!!